Company overview

Founded in 2018 by Gert van Rensburg Vertù Capital (Vertù) is a dedicated asset management business. Approved as a Category II FSP in 2021, Vertù specialises in discretionary fund management, managing model portfolios, collective investment schemes and securities portfolios.

Vision and Objectives

  • Provide bespoke investment solutions that integrate with the wealth, financial, and estate planning propositions of wealth and investment partners, ensuring successful wealth preservation and creation across generations.
  • Support fiduciary, estate, financial, and investment planning for wealth and investment partners in a transparent, understandable, and cost-effective manner, ensuring suitable outcomes for end-clients.

Vertù Capital aims to complement and support wealth and investment advice partners, primarily Ducome Brokers, by delivering tailored investment solutions.

Vertù Capital (Pty) Ltd, is an authorised FSP (Nr 50707).

Key staff

Samuel Gert J. van Rensburg (Gert)

Gert holds a Law degree, financial planning qualification, Diploma in Financial Markets, and Instruments, and RE1, 3 & 5. With extensive experience since 1988, he oversees business strategy, governance, compliance, and the Investment Committee process.

Lawrence Aubrey Coupe (Tiny)

Tiny brings 29 years of financial and investment planning experience.

Dane Aubrey Coupe

CFP qualification holder. Dane has been representing the Ducome clients’ interest on Investment Committees with Tiny for the past nine years.

Contact details

Fund details

The Vertu Ci Moderate Fund is a multi-asset medium equity portfolio. The investment objective of the portfolio is to deliver moderate capital growth.

The portfolio maintains a moderate risk profile and the portfolio’s equity exposure will be limited to a maximum of 60% of the portfolio’s net asset value. The portfolio will comply with prudential investment guidelines to the extent allowed by the Act.

Investments to be included in the portfolio may, apart from assets in liquid form, consist of equity securities, non-equity securities, convertible equities, preference shares and property securities as well as any other securities which are considered consistent with the portfolio’s objective and the Act may allow from time to time.

The portfolio may also include participatory interests in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa or of participatory interests in collective investment schemes or other similar schemes operated in territories with a regulatory environment which is to the satisfaction of the Manager and the Trustee of a sufficient standard to provide investor protection which is at least equivalent to that in South Africa.

The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective.

The Vertu Ci Moderate-Aggressive Fund is a multi-asset high equity portfolio. The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide investors with long term capital growth.

The portfolio maintains a high risk profile and the portfolio’s equity exposure will be limited to a maximum of 75% of the portfolio’s net asset value.  The portfolio will comply with prudential investment guidelines to the extent allowed by the Act.

Investments to be included in the portfolio may, apart from assets in liquid form, consist of equity securities, non-equity securities, convertible stock, preference shares and property securities as well as any other securities which are considered consistent with the portfolio’s primary objective and that the Act may allow from time to time.

The portfolio may also include participatory interests in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa or of participatory interests in collective investment schemes or other similar schemes operated in territories with a regulatory environment which is to the satisfaction of the Manager and the Trustee of a sufficient standard to provide investor protection which is at least equivalent to that in South Africa.

Minimum Disclosure Documents (MDDs)

Vertu Ci Moderate Fund
Vertu Ci Moderate-Aggressive Fund