Quarterly distributions
To view the distribution details of our funds, please click the link below:
Quarterly Fund Distributions Details
Half yearly distributions
To view the distribution details of our funds, please click the link below:
Fund Prices
To view the current daily prices of our funds, please click the link below:
TERs (Total Expense Ratios)
To view the Total Expense Ratios of our funds, please click the link below.
To access your investor details, advisor details and investment information online, you need to register with us.
Please note that to get online access to your account we require at least the following information:
Kindly contact Client Services on 0861 000 881 or clientservices@cicollective.co.za to obtain the required documentation.
NEW Investor? When completing your investment application form, kindly complete SECTION B for online access.
EXISTING Investor? Kindly request a Change of Static details form and complete SECTION C for online access.
The online activation process:
Independent strengths enhanced through collaboration
Please read these Terms and Conditions with the relevant Application Form and/or Transaction Forms which form the agreement between the Investor and Ci Collective Investments when investing directly with us.
When signing the relevant Application Form or Transaction Form, the Investor accepts the Terms and Conditions as set out in these documents. We request that you familiarise yourself with their contents.
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Client Notification: Ballot Process Update
Effective 1 October 2024, Ci’s balloting process to amend an investment policy of a portfolio will change.
Ci has received approval from the Financial Sector Conduct Authority to amend its Main Deed so that in future the investors who respond to a ballot will decide on the outcome of the ballot and the requirement for a minimum number of investors to respond to a ballot, which is currently investors holding at least 25% in value in a portfolio, will no longer be required.
This amendment will improve the efficiency of Ci’s balloting process without prejudicing investors.
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