Ci Alpha Fund
Ci Alpha Fund
The portfolio seeks to provide investors with long-term risk adjusted returns through investments in a diversified portfolio of quality companies. The portfolio will focus on active investment management and generating alpha through active sector and stock selection.
The portfolio will invest in assets in liquid form, preference shares, convertible stock, property and equity securities and non-equity securities deemed appropriate in order to achieve the portfolio’s objective. Apart from the above, the portfolio may also invest in participatory interests of portfolios of collective investment schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa or of participatory interests in collective investment schemes or other similar schemes operated in territories with a regulatory environment which is to the satisfaction of the manager and the trustee of a sufficient standard to provide investor protection which is at least equivalent to that in South Africa.
The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective. The manager may also include unlisted forward currency, interest rate and exchange rate swap transactions for efficient portfolio management purposes.
The Manager will be permitted to invest on behalf of the portfolio in offshore investments as legislation permits. At least 80% of the assets will be invested in equities at all times. The portfolio is classified as “Domestic” requiring a minimum investment in South African markets, currently 70%.
Ci Alpha Fund
Ci SA Cautious Fund
Ci SA Cautious Fund
The Ci SA Cautious Fund aims to achieve its investment objective through diversifying across all South African asset classes and a maximum equity exposure of 40% and by actively managing the domestic asset allocation in the portfolio and shifting the assets between domestic asset classes to reflect changing economic and market conditions.
The portfolio maintains a cautious risk profile and the portfolio will comply with prudential investment guidelines to the extent allowed by the Act.
The Manager will seek to achieve this objective by investing in South African assets in liquid form, preference shares, convertible stock, property and equity securities and non-equity securities.
The portfolio may also include participatory interests in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa.
The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective.
Ci SA Cautious Fund
Ci Diversified Income Fund
Ci Diversified Income Fund
The portfolio seeks to provide investors with a high level of income combined with capital preservation.
The portfolio will, apart from liquid assets, consist of non-equity securities, fixed interest instruments (including but not limited to, bonds, corporate bonds, inflation linked bonds, convertible bonds, cash deposits and money market instruments), debentures, preference shares and property securities as well as any other income enhancing securities which are considered consistent with the portfolio’s primary objective.
The portfolio will invest in assets in liquid form, bonds, corporate bonds, inflation linked bonds, convertible bonds, cash deposits, money market instruments, debentures, preference shares, property securities and non-equity securities deemed appropriate in order to achieve the portfolio’s objective. Apart from the above, the portfolio may also invest in participatory interests and other forms of participation of local and global collective investment schemes, or other similar schemes operated in territories with a regulatory environment which is to the satisfaction of the manager and the trustee of a sufficient standard to provide investor protection which is at least equivalent to that in South Africa and which is consistent with the portfolio’s primary objective.
The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective. The manager may also include unlisted forward currency, interest rate and exchange rate swap transactions for efficient portfolio management purposes.
The Manager will be permitted to invest on behalf of the portfolio in offshore investments as legislation permits. The portfolio will be managed within the requirements of retirement funds prudential investment guidelines. The portfolio is classified as “Domestic” requiring a minimum investment in South African markets, currently 70%. A maximum of 20% of the assets can be invested in collective investment schemes.
Ci Diversified Income Fund
Ci Engineered Equity Core Fund
Ci Engineered Equity Core Fund
The portfolio aims to provide investors with capital growth in the medium to long term through passive investment strategies.
The primary objective of the portfolio will be to provide investors with capital growth in the medium to long term through passive investment strategies which will include securities and instruments which will mirror various indices in order to capture value and/or momentum in the portfolio from time to time, depending on market conditions.
The Manager will invest in equity securities, non-equity securities, assets in liquid form and listed and unlisted financial instruments, both locally and abroad.
A portion of the portfolio may from time to time invest in instruments that track the FTSE/JSE Dividend + Index or any other index that represents value investments and the remaining portion of the portfolio may from time to time invest in instruments that mirror indices that provide for momentum investments. The combination of these securities will enable the Manager to track the performance of the value and/or momentum indices, depending on market conditions from time to time.
The portfolio may also include participatory interests in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa or of participatory interests in collective investment schemes or other similar schemes operated in territories with a regulatory environment which is to the satisfaction of the Manager and the Trustee of a sufficient standard to provide investor protection which is at least equivalent to that in South Africa and which is consistent with the portfolio’s primary objective.
The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective.
The Manager will be permitted to invest on behalf of the portfolio in offshore investments as legislation permits.
Ci Engineered Equity Core Fund
Ci Equity Fund
Ci Engineered Equity Core Fund
The portfolio seeks to provide investors with long-term capital growth which will equate to the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted Index (SWIX) Total Return as adjusted to take into account transactions and other costs.
The portfolio is a passive index tracking portfolio which will seek to achieve this objective by investing in assets in liquid form and securities that will consist of a selection of financially sound shares, to be acquired at fair market price, as included in the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted Index (SWIX) Total Return in proportions so determined as to best replicate the performance of the SWIX Total Return Index.
The portfolio will invest in assets in liquid form and in equity securities, as included in the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted Index (SWIX) Total Return Index (J403T). The portfolio may also invest in participatory interests or any other form of participation in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes as the Act may allow from time to time. These portfolios will have the same objective as the portfolio which is to track the performance of the FTSE/JSE Shareholder Weighted Index (SWIX) Total Return Index (J403T). Where the aforementioned schemes are operated in territories other than South Africa, participatory interests or any other form of participation in portfolios of these schemes will be included in the portfolio only where the regulatory environment is to the satisfaction of the manager and the trustee and of sufficient standard to provide investor protection at least equal to that in South Africa.
The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective. The manager may also include unlisted forward currency, interest rate and exchange rate swap transactions for efficient portfolio management purposes.
The Manager will be permitted to invest on behalf of the portfolio in offshore investments as legislation permits. At least 80% of the assets will be invested in equities at all times. The portfolio is classified as “Domestic” requiring a minimum investment in South African markets, currently 70%.
Ci Equity Fund
Ci SA Managed Fund
Ci SA Managed Fund
The Ci SA Managed Fund is an institutional multi-asset high equity portfolio. The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide investors with long term capital growth by actively managing the domestic asset allocation in the portfolio and the assets will be shifted between domestic asset classes to reflect changing economic and market conditions.
The portfolio maintains a moderate to high risk profile and the portfolio’s equity exposure will be limited to a maximum of 75% of the portfolio’s net asset value. The portfolio will comply with prudential investment guidelines to the extent allowed by the Act.
The Manager will seek to achieve this objective by investing in South African assets in liquid form, preference shares, convertible stock, property and equity securities and non-equity securities.
The portfolio may also include participatory interests in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes registered in the Republic of South Africa. The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations
thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective.
Ci SA Managed Fund
Ci Property Fund
Ci Property Fund
The portfolio seeks to provide investors with long-term capital growth which will equate to the FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Total Return Index (J253T) as adjusted to take into account transactions and other costs.
The portfolio is a passive index tracking portfolio which will seek to achieve this objective by investing in assets in liquid form and securities that will consist of a selection of financially sound shares, to be acquired at fair market price, as included in the FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Total Return Index (J253T) in proportions so determined as to best replicate the performance of the FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Total Return Index (J253T.
The portfolio will invest in assets in liquid form and in equity securities, as included in the FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Total Return Index (J253T). The portfolio may also invest in participatory interests or any other form of participation in portfolios of collective investment schemes or other similar collective investment schemes as the Act may allow from time to time. These portfolios will have the same objective as the portfolio which is to track the performance of the FTSE/JSE SA Listed Property Total Return Index (J253T). Where the aforementioned schemes are operated in territories other than South Africa, participatory interests or any other form of participation in portfolios of these schemes will be included in the portfolio only where the regulatory environment is to the satisfaction of the Manager and the trustee and of sufficient standard to provide investor protection at least equal to that in South Africa.
The portfolio may from time to time invest in listed and unlisted financial instruments, in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and the Regulations thereto, as amended from time to time, in order to achieve the portfolio’s investment objective. The manager may also include unlisted forward currency, interest rate and exchange rate swap transactions for efficient portfolio management purposes.
The Manager will be permitted to invest on behalf of the portfolio in offshore investments as legislation permits. The portfolio’s listed property exposure will exceed 80% at all times. The portfolio is classified as “Domestic” requiring a minimum investment in South African markets, currently 70%.
Ci Property Fund
Ci Worldwide Flexible Feeder Fund
Ci Worldwide Flexible Feeder Fund
The investment objective of the portfolio is to provide long-term growth by providing investors with exposure to an international collective investment scheme portfolio comprising a diversified mix of global exposure to various asset classes.
The Worldwide Flexible Fund, the target portfolio, will invest directly or indirectly in a combination of lower risk assets such as cash and/or cash equivalents, global bonds and higher risk asset classes such as global equities, commodities and global property. Depending on the economic cycle, the Fund may increase the exposure to higher risk assets up to 100% in anticipation of and during periods of expansion and similarly reduce the exposure to higher risk assets to as low as 30% in anticipation of and during periods of contraction. Overall, this blend of asset classes is expected to be moderate in terms of the risk/return scale. In addition, the Fund is not focused on any specific geographical area, industry or sector. The target portfolio intends to invest in transferable securities in the form of global equities (such as shares and common stock) and global equity related securities (securities with equity characteristics or conferring the right to acquire equity securities, such as depository receipts and preference shares), real estate investment trusts (REITS) and global bonds (which may be governed and/or corporate, fixed and/or floating, rated and/or unrated) which are listed on Recognised Markets. Investment in REITS will not exceed 25% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund.
The target portfolio may also invest up to 100% of its Net Asset Value in the units and/or shares of underlying funds which provide exposure to the asset classes in which the portfolio can directly invest, subject to a maximum exposure of any one underlying fund not exceeding 20% of the portfolio’s Net Asset Value and subject to the portfolio not investing more than 20% of it Net Asset Value in unregulated funds.
Investments to be included in the Ci Worldwide Flexible Feeder Fund will, apart from assets in liquid form, consist solely of participatory interests of only one collective investment scheme portfolio, namely the Worldwide Flexible Fund, being a sub Fund of Ci Global Investments RIAIF ICAV, and open-ended umbrella type investment company with segregated liability between Funds, authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Ci Worldwide Flexible Feeder Fund
Ci Worldwide Flexible Growth Feeder Fund
Ci Worldwide Flexible Growth Feeder Fund
The Worldwide Flexible Growth Fund, the target portfolio, will invest directly or indirectly in a combination of lower risk assets such as cash and/or cash equivalents, global bonds and higher risk asset classes such as global equities, commodities and global property. Depending on the economic cycle, the Fund may increase the exposure to higher risk assets up to 100% in anticipation of and during periods of expansion and similarly reduce the exposure to higher risk assets to as low as 30% in anticipation of and during periods of contraction. Overall, this blend of asset classes is expected to be moderate in terms of the risk/return scale. In addition, the Fund is not focused on any specific geographical area, industry or sector. The target portfolio intends to invest in transferable securities in the form of global equities (such as shares and common stock) and global equity related securities (securities with equity characteristics or conferring the right to acquire equity securities, such as depository receipts and preference shares), real estate investment trusts (REITS) and global bonds (which may be governed and/or corporate, fixed and/or floating, rated and/or unrated) which are listed on Recognised Markets. Investment in REITS will not exceed 25% of the Net Asset Value of the Fund. The target portfolio may also invest up to 100% of its Net Asset Value in cash and/or cash equivalents (including US Treasury Bills, cash deposits, corporate commercial paper and certificates of deposit) and/or short-term money market instruments (including US Treasury Bills, corporate commercial paper, and certificates of deposit) for cash flow purposes or as part of a temporary defensive strategy or where the Investment Manager believes that economic, financial and political conditions make it advisable to do so.
Investments to be included in the Ci Worldwide Flexible Growth Feeder Fund will, apart from assets in liquid form, consist solely of participatory interests of only one collective investment scheme portfolio, namely Worldwide Flexible Fund, being a sub-Fund of Ci Global Investments RIAIF ICAV, and open-ended umbrella type investment company with segregated liability between Funds, authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland.
Ci Worldwide Flexible Growth Feeder Fund
Ci Quarterly Reports